Sunday 7 July 2013

Prom 2013

Against my better judgement (and because my £30 ticket was half price) I decided that I would actually go to Prom, Class of 2006. Now, as I've said many many many times before, I don't really feel a connection with the lower year and so the idea of going to their prom left me dubious to say the least. But nope. I decided that I wouldn't be left out of this one and so last minute, I gathered together something to wear in the hopes that I would, at least, look semi-presentable. 
The dress I ended up wearing was one that I brought 2 or 3 years ago for a friends birthday for £10 online. It's safe to say that it wasn't made very well so the night before I had to spend a good half hour or so with the ol' needle and thread making sure that it actually fit/wouldn't fall apart half way through the night. My sewing skills must be far better than I thought they were because, phew, the dress is still in one piece. Yay for me. 
I got ready with a girl that I absolutely adore, Emily. After leaving work late in the day, having a haircut that ran over and then hitting ridiculous traffic, I had all of 30 minutes to get ready and so flying around and throwing makeup at my face whilst Emily casually made her way through two bottles of wine wasn't the start to the night that I had envisaged. But that's okay. The result was reasonably charming. 

Arriving in the back of a van (classy) was all part of the fun and then the night got under way. The girls that had arranged prom had done a bloody brilliant job and it made for a night that was far better than I had expected it to be. The photo booth was fantastic and the chocolate fountain even more so. Although there were times when I was a complete loner and ended up having in depth chats with the teachers because noone I really knew was around, it all added to the evening and I'm pretty sure that I wasn't the only one who really enjoyed it. The girl that won prom queen thoroughly deserved it, being the one that organised the entire event. Well done, Shiv. You're a superstar. 

I have to say though, my feet and my head weren't enjoying themselves so much the next morning though. Wearing heels for almost 7 hours isn't particularly fun. And I'm sure that we all know the pain that a good hangover can inflict. 


Hannah and I. Boy, do I love this girl. 

My Economics and Law teacher to whom I owe my love for Despicable Me. 

Thanks to everyone that made it such a fantastic night and the very best to you all!! 

M x 

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