Saturday 22 June 2013

Daddy Ruddy

I'm not sure about everywhere else in the world, but Sunday the 16th was Fathers day in England. My dad doesn't live with me and I don't get to see him that often and so when my brother suggested that all us kids (there are four of us) get together and make our way up to London to surprise him, I was very excited! One of my brothers lives with dad, the other lives down near me and my sister is a couple of hours away so it's not often that we all get together. In fact, it's pretty damn rare. So I took the day off work and my brother and I made our way to the arranged meeting point to meet my sister. 
Now, I love my sister. And I mean a lot. I don't see her anywhere near enough but she's one of the biggest influences on my life, which may explain why I turned out the way that I did. So although the day was about seeing my dada, I was also pretty damn hyped to see Rebby. We all then proceeded to dads place and met the brother who lives with him outside and then traipsed in. Cor, was the old man surprised! He didn't recognise us at first, thinking we were a group of Jacks friends, but he seemed pretty overjoyed when he eventually realised that we were, in fact, his children. Bless him. David (my older brother) had already booked somewhere for a meal and when we told him that we were going out to eat, he looked pretty pleased for us and said something along the lines of 'oh, that'll be nice. Have fun'. Ermmm... it's Father's day. You're coming with us, you dope.
The meal was lovely and the company even better. Despite burning myself on a hot plate - yup, I mindlessly reached out and tried to move it depsite the guy having just warned us it was hot and using a towel to place it down - we all had a lovely evening. Dad seemed truly speechless about us all having turned up which was great. Secrets usually aren't our forte. 
It was so lovely to all be together and it was a shame that mum couldn't come with us, but we all had a really good day and dad thoroughly enjoyed his surprise present. 
I love you, daddy :) 

M x 

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