Sunday 5 May 2013

Megan is Angry

I went out last night to the local club. And I use the word 'club' very loosely. This place is absolutely tiny and in the middle of a sleepy seaside down which never has anything happen in it. It's all very picturesque and pretty and old people'y. Lovely. So I went out with some friends and for the first time in a very very very long time I was actually really enjoying myself! Yay! 
Until I checked my phone. 
Or didn't, as the case may be. 
Because someone has stolen my dear little mobile. 
I have been absolutely fuming all day. My beloved iphone 3 is no longer here and it has made me absolutely inconsolable. Don't get me wrong, I know that it's ridiculous to be so attached to a phone and I actually consider myself to be less attached than a lot of people I know; I occasionally like to be phone'less and enjoy the real world. But having the choice to put your phone down or leave it at home is so different from having it taken. 
I only brought this phone 2 months ago and I know. Iphone 3. Apple don't even do updates for it anymore. It sucks and it's crap but it was mine. It was my Ipod too and as someone that has music playing 24 hours a day, I'm not very impressed. The screen was broken in two places and it had a lock on it. There is absolutely no reason for a sane person to want this hunk'o'junk; they'd make no money on it and I highly doubt that anyone would actually want to use it, so why take it? 
This is what I hate. 
Going out for a night is hardwork now! Not now my phones been stolen, I mean, but in general. You have to decide what you want to take with you and then you have to decide how you're going to carry that round with you because if you don't... boom. Taken. I've had a lot of friends that have had things stolen from cloak rooms so even they're not safe. Purses, cameras, phones. We want to take them out with us on a night out but there is always the risk that someone is going to take a fancy to your stuff that you've paid for and just take it for themselves. What gives them that right? Really? What makes them think that they can go on a night out and take a girls handbag or see a phone lying around and just take it for themselves? It's ridiculous. That persons night is automatically ruined as is, more than likely, the following day because they're going to be doing everything they can to get their belongings back. 
It really baffles me. 
And at this moment in time, it really pisses me off. 
I've spent my day, between shifts at work, trying to track down my lost phone. Calling the club. Calling my phone. Talking to o2. Talking to Carphone Warehouse. All credit to my bosses who didn't go insane at me constantly talking about my beloved phone. 
I just want it back :( 

I'll Miss You
March 2013 - May 2013.

M x 

1 comment:

  1. I've nominated you for the Liebster award:)
    you can check out my post on it here if you want to get involved too!
