So it's Sunday evening and I've had a very relaxing weekend so far - I've done nothing that was particularly taxing, I've been to work for a couple of hours and earned me some money, I've painted my nails 3 times and watched copious amounts of TV that I really didn't need to watch. I've even taken apart my Ipod and tried to replace it's severally broken screen (it's still broken and it still doesn't work. Gold star for trying). And now it's 17.20 and I'm sat at the kitchen table suitably surrounded by papers and I'm trying to work myself up to do the tasks that I've been putting off all weekend.
Two fascinating English essays.
Don't get me wrong, I love English. I really do. We're learning about Victorians and as a topic that has always interested me, I've found it far easier than I think many of my classmates have. And I don't particularly struggle writing essays as I know many others do. My problem is the actual sitting-down-and-writing part. I've found that I am, like all good members of Tumblr, an incredible procrastinator. I will do anything to put off a task that I really need to do. My room is cleaner than it has been for weeks. My sketchbook has found itself being used for the first time since the last essay I needed to do (see below) and the washing machine and tumble dryer have been working away all afternoon.
I'm thinking of a million more things that I need to do. Surely my phone needs more memory - I should probably go through my photos and delete the unwanted ones. How is Mum going to know what I want for christmas if I don't write her a list? Right now. My Tumblr queue is getting below 150... I should probably add some more things to it. And as for my blog - well it definitely needs to be updated! And so here I am. Wasting time and trying to ignore the script for The French Lieutenant's Woman and the photocopy of Jane Eyre that are sat beside me waiting to be analysed to death by yet another student.
But for now, I suppose that I really had better get this done. Alas, poor me.
If anyone has actually read this mind-numbing post of mine designed to waste even more time, then let me know how you procrastinate. I could always use more tips!! ;)
Although come to think of it, my FanFiction does need a new chapter or two... and I could do with a coffee....
M x
I'm pretty sure i am the queen of procrastination!! im really good at it.. have to finish an essay tonight, and then start studying for an exam on tuesday! :( NO IDEA what i did with my weekend.... haha