It was my 21st birthday in January. Yeah, I appreciate that was a while ago but you see, I have recently cashed in my birthday present so I hope you're sitting comfortably because you're about to hear all about it.
I really didn't know what I wanted for my birthday. As it's a big one, my 'rents told me I could have a lil' think about it and let them know. Well, I knew what I wanted.
I wanted to go to Norway.
My house mate, best friend and all-round rock, Karoline, is Norwegian, you see. And boy oh boy did I want to see where she lived. It was just pretty handy that happened to be in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Hurrah!
So I got my passport sorted, nagged Ma and Pa (who were just as excited as I was) and off I flew. At 5am. Yikes.
I knew Norway was going to be amazing and beautiful but... wow. I have a feeling this post is going to be full of wows and ohmygod and ican'tevenexplains. So I'm sorry in advance. Here's a little break down of some of the things we got up to because I was there for two weeks and a lot happened.
Week One
We stayed with Karo's mamma in the first week. Just as a side note, her mother is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She's utterly adorable and so incredibly kind. I now know where Karoline gets her wonderfully kind nature from. (Seriously. The girl is a saint).
We did a lot of touristy things in the first week. We visited Holmenkollen, Tjuvholmen, Grunerløkaa, Lillestrøm and many many places that I cannot pronounce or, I'm sure, you can read. I can assure you though, they were all divine.
We wandered around Oslo, sunbathed on some docks, climbed ski jumps and spent a day at Tusenfryd, a theme park which had some crazy rides and even crazier sun. God, it was warm!
It was Haben's 25th birthday so on Saturday we hit the town and had a couple of drinks, of course. Haben and I hit up the dance floor with dance moves which were, frankly, bloody awful. But if you think that stopped us, you're wrong. I believe at one point Karoline was actually asked to 'stop her friends having so much fun'. Pfft. Whatever.
And, readers, of courses there was time to relax. We spent a couple of days inside munching on Norwegian snacks, chilling and watching copious amounts of TV and films. It was perfect.
Week Two
Here we moved to Karo's dads place and it was time for a rooooooooad trip!
We decided it would be nice to see a bit more of Norway to we packed up the car and off we went. Little did I know I would see landscapes that were so incredibly beautiful I will absolutely no way ever forget them.
We drove all day. And I mean, all day. Towns gave way to mountains and snow! Snow! I live by the beach, people. The south of England does not do snow.
Of course there were stops such as Lillehammer and Lom - where there is the most phenomenal bakery. But soon we were up in the mountains and my eyes were burning from looking so hard at everything that was around me.
A sign telling us we were passing the highest fjord by road in the EU couldn't be resisted and so we drove up, up, up and eventually looked down on such incredible beauty. We could see for miles around, down over Geiranger (where we were to have dinner) and over the fjords. It was simply breathtaking and a sight I will never forget.
The next day we headed to Flam where we took a train ride up into more mountains. You'd think I got sick of mountains, right? Nope. I don't think that would ever be possible. On the train, we passed tiny little huts and giant waterfalls where crazy Stevie Nicks-like women danced to hippy music, pretending to be mythical creatures.
Note: This may be my future job. Busting slow, rhythmic dance moves on a waterfall. If I drop off the radar, you know where to find me. Head to Flam.
But then we clambered back into the car and headed to our final destination.
We booked into our hotel and then went in search of something to eat.
Now, I'd never heard of Bergen but apparently it's a pretty famous place. All I know is this; like everything in Norway, it's gorgeous. With ancient wooden buildings so old they're actually falling against each other, wonky and adorable, Bergen was just amazing and this was one of the most perfect evenings of my life.
We found an absolutely darling restaurant in one of the aforementioned wonky buildings to eat in. Turns out it was a fish restaurant and oh my god was it delicious. As Karoline said the food was so good, I forgot to take a picture of it.
Now that, my friends, is a testimony.

We then took a walk along the dock where the sun was throwing ridiculously vibrant colours over the water. And, to top it off, an old hipster guy was singing old country and Paul Simon songs with his daughter.
I swear, I could have stood there forever and a day watching that guy singing with the sunset right behind him.
Does that sound idyllic or what?
The next day it was a little overcast but we manage to still managed to explore Bergen. We took a ride up another mountain (still not bored!) where you could see right over the city which was much bigger than I had first thought. The views were incredible and although a little overcast, was a lovely end to an absolutely incredible road trip.
And so the journey back began.
It was a phenomenal road trip but it was wonderful to be back and to fall into bed.
The rest of my Norwegian adventure flew past in a blur of sea food (so. much. sea food) fun and, well, Norwegian.
All too soon I had to say good bye to my favourite girl and fly back to gloomy ol' England. The flight back was a whole other story in itself. God, it wasn't pleasant...but that's another tale.
But, at the end of the day, I had a 21st birthday present that I will never forget and Karoline, if you think I'm not coming back, you're very wrong my friend. Thank you very much for putting up with me for two weeks and showing me the time of my life. I said it many times but... I like your views, Norway.
Special thanks to:
Mette, Karoline's mama - Such a delight to meet and be around. She makes an absolutely crackin' creme brulee.
HP, Karoline's papa - Who took us on the road trip and put up with my constant photo-taking.
Leo - The most adorable dog I have ever had the pleasure to throw toys for.
Karoline - Who I have nothing but love for. I hope I'm allowed back.
Ma and Pa - Who provided the trip and who I love more than anything.
Until next time, Readers.
Love, laugh and adventure!
Ha Det!
M x
Oslo Opera House |
Oslo is a weird mix of old and new.... |
I could have sat here forever |
It was Haben's 25th birthday so on Saturday we hit the town and had a couple of drinks, of course. Haben and I hit up the dance floor with dance moves which were, frankly, bloody awful. But if you think that stopped us, you're wrong. I believe at one point Karoline was actually asked to 'stop her friends having so much fun'. Pfft. Whatever.
And, readers, of courses there was time to relax. We spent a couple of days inside munching on Norwegian snacks, chilling and watching copious amounts of TV and films. It was perfect.
Happy Birthday, Haben! |
Week Two
We decided it would be nice to see a bit more of Norway to we packed up the car and off we went. Little did I know I would see landscapes that were so incredibly beautiful I will absolutely no way ever forget them.
We drove all day. And I mean, all day. Towns gave way to mountains and snow! Snow! I live by the beach, people. The south of England does not do snow.
Of course there were stops such as Lillehammer and Lom - where there is the most phenomenal bakery. But soon we were up in the mountains and my eyes were burning from looking so hard at everything that was around me.
A sign telling us we were passing the highest fjord by road in the EU couldn't be resisted and so we drove up, up, up and eventually looked down on such incredible beauty. We could see for miles around, down over Geiranger (where we were to have dinner) and over the fjords. It was simply breathtaking and a sight I will never forget.
The next day we headed to Flam where we took a train ride up into more mountains. You'd think I got sick of mountains, right? Nope. I don't think that would ever be possible. On the train, we passed tiny little huts and giant waterfalls where crazy Stevie Nicks-like women danced to hippy music, pretending to be mythical creatures.
Note: This may be my future job. Busting slow, rhythmic dance moves on a waterfall. If I drop off the radar, you know where to find me. Head to Flam.
But then we clambered back into the car and headed to our final destination.
We booked into our hotel and then went in search of something to eat.
Now, I'd never heard of Bergen but apparently it's a pretty famous place. All I know is this; like everything in Norway, it's gorgeous. With ancient wooden buildings so old they're actually falling against each other, wonky and adorable, Bergen was just amazing and this was one of the most perfect evenings of my life.
We found an absolutely darling restaurant in one of the aforementioned wonky buildings to eat in. Turns out it was a fish restaurant and oh my god was it delicious. As Karoline said the food was so good, I forgot to take a picture of it.
Now that, my friends, is a testimony.
We then took a walk along the dock where the sun was throwing ridiculously vibrant colours over the water. And, to top it off, an old hipster guy was singing old country and Paul Simon songs with his daughter.
I swear, I could have stood there forever and a day watching that guy singing with the sunset right behind him.
Does that sound idyllic or what?
An evening of bliss |
The next day it was a little overcast but we manage to still managed to explore Bergen. We took a ride up another mountain (still not bored!) where you could see right over the city which was much bigger than I had first thought. The views were incredible and although a little overcast, was a lovely end to an absolutely incredible road trip.
And so the journey back began.
It was a phenomenal road trip but it was wonderful to be back and to fall into bed.
The rest of my Norwegian adventure flew past in a blur of sea food (so. much. sea food) fun and, well, Norwegian.
All too soon I had to say good bye to my favourite girl and fly back to gloomy ol' England. The flight back was a whole other story in itself. God, it wasn't pleasant...but that's another tale.
But, at the end of the day, I had a 21st birthday present that I will never forget and Karoline, if you think I'm not coming back, you're very wrong my friend. Thank you very much for putting up with me for two weeks and showing me the time of my life. I said it many times but... I like your views, Norway.
Leo. Whatta heart breaker. |
Mette, Karoline's mama - Such a delight to meet and be around. She makes an absolutely crackin' creme brulee.
HP, Karoline's papa - Who took us on the road trip and put up with my constant photo-taking.
Leo - The most adorable dog I have ever had the pleasure to throw toys for.
Karoline - Who I have nothing but love for. I hope I'm allowed back.
Ma and Pa - Who provided the trip and who I love more than anything.
Until next time, Readers.
Love, laugh and adventure!
Ha Det!
M x